Signers of the Petition for Official Investigations of Sathya Sai Baba

Signers of the Public Petition for Official Investigations of Sathya Sai Baba and His Worldwide Organization

This Petition was begun so as to bring attention to serious allegations of child molestation and homosexual abuse by Sathya Sai Baba at his ashrams in South India, involving many victims there including boys and young men visiting from other countries. Another grave concern was the issue of unresolved murders at Sai Baba's main ashram in 1993. Sathya Sai Baba, born Sathya Narayana Raju, is an Indian national who claims to be the full manifestation of God on earth. He has been worshipped - according to reports - by several million followers from most countries of the world, and many are still followers. 

These followers include heads of state, royalty and other well-known dignitaries. In the highest echelons of the Indian government, judiciary, and civil service (IAS) are many followers, including former Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee and the current Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh. All main officials of the Sathya Sai Organization world-wide have failed in their moral and compassionate duty by disregarding and not alerting membership to the allegations, thus having put minors at risk in Sai Baba's presence. These officials, some being educators and health care professionals, have lacked the moral courage to exercise duty of care, instead complying with a campaign of secrecy and cover-up, the alleged molestations having continued for at least 30 years. A directive was issued to various high office-bearers in the organization banning discussion of these allegations in all centres and groups. 

Though the Sai Petition suffered an initial breakdown due to excessive (pro-Sai) spammers and saboteurs during its first year on-line when it was on an unprotected free petition website, the valid signatures were recovered from files held by those who administered the petition at that time. They appear as the lower entries on this page. 

The Public Petition administrators had, after much discussion,. agreed to remove spam entries which had been posted in considerable numbers. This they did for some weeks, until their system was somehow overloaded and the entire set of entries disappeared. After much difficult negotiation,. the Public Petition administrator agreed with the petition administration of Arthur Klein to reinstate the valid signatures from back-up files. The JuST group decided they could not reply on the on-line petition providers and asked for a new website to be made. Not long after that, a new and secure website was started for the petition under the same domain name, with security measures which ensure that spammers cannot disrupt the petition or post from bogus IPs and locations. These measures are not detailed here since spammers (such as the only very vocal critic and saboteur of the petition, Gerald Moreno) might find it possible to subvert them, since no on-line petition is 100% safe against criminal attacks. The new administrator of the petition was chosen, Robert Priddy, who has since been relieved for some periods of time by others. The International Sathya Sai Organization was defended through an extensive attack on our petition - originally through sabotage attempts by posting bogus names, and subsequently by a massive on-line campaign run by Gerald Joe Moreno in which he claimed critically to analyze the petition and that it is 'not legal'. Despite that, he was unable to challenge its legality through any due process and its authenticity remains as is and the integrity of its many supporters and signers remains intact. The extent of his on-line attacks on signers of the petition has to be tracked to be believed! 

Many of those who have signed here have been devotees of Sathya Sai Baba, and many of those have been Sathya Sai Organization members, including a large number of office-bearers. Several were original founder members of major Sai centers. Some of the original participators in the development of the petition were the JuST Group and others who were prominent leaders are listed first at the top here. Further down are some of the sex abuse claims made on the petition:-

Glen Meloy, USA. -- Member for 26 years.  Member of 1st Advisory Board of the SSB Society for USA. Co-Manager, Sathya Sai Book Center of America in 1974-5. 
Barry Pittard, Australia -- 1976-1999.  Former English Lecturer, Sathya Sai College, Whitefield. 
Richard Nelson, USA -- Member 1979-2000  Ex-President Santa Barbara Center. 
Terry Nelson, USA -- Member 1979-2000. 
Alexandra Nagel, The Netherlands --  Follower briefly in 2000, Active in exposé investigations. 
Conny Larsson, Sweden -- 1978-99  National Spiritual Coordinator from 1993-96, member since 1992. He was a victim of Sai Babas sexual molestation since 1979-1983. 
David. J. Lyons, USA --  Follower from 1981 to 2000.  Ex-President of the Center of Greater New Orleans.
Helen Lewers, Australia -- Member 1980 - 2000. 
Reidun Priddy, Norway -- 1983-2000.  Founder member and Seva Wing Coordinator 1986-1998 
Robert Priddy, Norway -- 1983-2002. : Founder member/Ex-Chairman (Oslo Center) 1986-1996 and Coordinator for Norway 1986-2000. Shirley J. Pike, USA --  Ex-President, NC Region: Ex-President Cedar Rapids Center, Iowa. 
Keith Ord, Spain -- Follower from 1986-1991. Abused. 
Marit Larssen, Norway --  Bergen group Coordinator 1996-2000. 
Soma Jeyendren, Australia -- Devotee 1989 -2001.  Coordinator of celebrations, Pennanthills Center, NSW. 
John Hartgering, USA -- Follower for 10 years. P Ex-President/Service Coordinator of Centre. 
Elena Hartgering, USA -- Sexual abuse counselor. Follower 20 years: Ex-Vice-President of Centre and Regional Workshop presenter. 
Ella Evers, USA -- 1986-2000  Have been in various Officers' functions and hosted the Eugene Sai Center for fifteen years. I wrote a letter to Dr. Goldstein after hearing about the pedophilia acts by Sai Baba. The Goldstein letter was returned to me unopened. 
Dennis J. Hanisch, USA -- Follower for 27 years.  Founder member and Vice-President, Seattle Center. 
Lionel Fernandez, Mexico -- Follower since1967.  Centre Chairman May-October 2000. 
James Albert Danis, Canada -- Follower for 13 years  Coordinator of Retreats etc., Vancouver Center. 
Andries Krugers Dagneaux, The Netherlands -- . Follower from 1992-2001.  Ex-Coordinator of seva wing. 
Timothy Conway, USA -- Follower for 22 years  President of the Sathya Sai Baba Center of San Francisco from 1982-4 
Stephen Carthew, Australia -- Follower for 15 years  Ex-office-bearer in the South Australian Org 
Dave. G. Brandt, USA -- 1970-1999 P USA. Official Contact for Nebraska, N. and S. Dakota. 
Serguei Badaev, Russia -- 1995-2001  Ex-President of Sai Org. Moscow Centre and Deputy National Chairman for Russia. 
Dinara Badaeva, Russia -- May 20. 2002. EHV organizer and teacher 
Tal Brooke, USA -- 1969-1971 Author of Avatar of Night and the Hardback Lord of The Air - released in India by Vikas Publishing exposing Sai Baba's dark side. This 400 page book details his intense experience as a close disciple of Sai Baba 
James Albert Danis, Canada -- Follower: 13 yrs My very good friend Glen Meloy asked me to be listed on the list. He mentioned he would do it for me with my permission which was ok. 
Jorge Reyesvera, Mexico -- Follower: 1983-2000 - member 1984-1996. Si no hay culpa no hay nada que temer. 
Octavio Escobar, Colombia -- Follower 1989-1999. Former President of Sathya Sai Organization La Magdalena Center, Bogota. 
Dave Brandt, USA -- Follower: 1971-2001  Contact officer for SD, Wy, ND, NE. of USA 
Lisa Tice, USA -- Follower 1985-2000  Ex-President Sai Org. Gig Harbor Center/7 years 
Barry K. Newton , Australia -- Follower 1994 - 2001  Ex Sai Org. Chairperson Pennant Hills, ex Deputy Chairperson NSW Zone B 
Margarita Sanchez Van Dyck, Mexico -- Follower: 1984-2000 
Juan de la Cruz, Mexico -- Follower: 1992-2000 
Arthur Klein, New York, USA -- Original representative of the public petition. 
Marc-André St. Jean, Canada -- Former member of Sai Center in Montreal 
Dhyani Jo Sinclair, Canada --  Member and Sai Centre Secretary, 1995-2000. 
Barbara Shocket, and Everett Shocket, USA -- 1980-1990. 
Sharon Purcell, USA -- Follower for 32 years.  Founder member of Tustin Center, California. 
Sathya Purcell, USA -- Lifetime follower until age 23. 
Stijntje Riemersma, The Netherlands -- Follower for 20 years.  Coordinator/Secretary Utrecht group, 6 years. 
Jon Sutton, USA -- .Follower: 1986 -2000  Hosting the Eugene Sai Center for fifteen years 
Hortense Quijs, The Netherlands -- 1995 - 2000  Maastricht Group Coordinator 
Bettina Woolard, USA -- 1991 - 2000  SSE teacher and Service Coordinator 
Steve Woolard, USA -- P President of Walnut Creek, CA center for 5 years. 
Sunny Torres, Windsor, Newhaven, Connecticut US -- January 11. 2009. 1996 - 2008  Service Coordinator at Windsor 
Jim Veenker, USA -- Follower: 1997-2000 - local Seva coordinator & vice president. Visited the ashram in 1999, and later saw a letter from a victim. I had observed some of the facts of the letter and believed his account of molestation. 
Roy Pendragon, Australia -- Follower: 1990 - 1997 approx: Former Administrator SS School Perth WA 
Catharina Elisabeth Kuyken, The Netherlands -- Follower: 1992-2000  secretary of the Purmerend-Group 
Dale Beyerstein, Canada -- editor of Sai Baba's Miracles 
Catherine Murray, USA -- Follower: 1975; 1996-2005. I am a niece of the late Sanskrit scholar, Camille Svensson, who translated several Hindu 'scriptures' for Sai Baba. 
Miguel Angel Gonzalez, USA -- April 5. 2008. Follower: 1996-2008 - Sai Org.: various en USA y Argentina. 
Muz Murray, France -- October 11. 2007. I never was a follower. But Swami Muktananda of Ganeshpuri, warned me over thirty years ago, never to get into a private darshan with Sai Baba, as he had just returned from Puttaparthi adjudicating in a court case regarding Sai Baba's molestation of the son of two of Muktananda's disciples. Also an Arab friend was penetrated by Sai Baba many years later. 
Anders Thisted, Denmark --Follower: 1997-2000 I was helping with the Danish Documentary 30.1.2002 
Hanneke Koeman-Bot, Netherlands -- Follower: 1991-2004 Sathya Sai Organization coordinator 4 j. Centre coordinator Zaanstad 4 j. 
Basava Premanand, India -- 1968-1974 Worker in SSB Org., Podanur I have exposed all the miracles of SSB and also Investigated murders, financial exploitation, and Sexual abuse of Students. Govt. of India have to investigate him. 
Massimo Isolica, Italy -- June 24. 2004. I'm the owner and webmaster of, the only critical website about Sai Baba and his world organization in Italian language, it aims to make devotees and their families aware against the mental conditioning of this cult and to make former devotees aware they have made the right choice! 
Jorge Arce, Peru -- Follower 1978 - 2000  Ex Presidente del Comite Coordinador 
Isidro Cachadiña Gutiérrez, Spain -- Follower 1989-2002 S.S.Org: President of local Center 
Some of the more than 1600-plus petition signers who have included details of their years of involvement as followers. The real figure is evidently far higher than this 'tip of the iceberg'. The great majority who have lost faith in Sai Baba's claims or have ceased to follow him no doubt do not sign the petition for a number of reasons. These include: 1) They do not have the Internet., 2) They did not find the petition on the Internet 3) They do not wish their former allegiance to become known for many personal and other reasons (such as employment problems, work prospects, so as not to offend others among their family, friends and contacts who remain believers, worries about obtaining travel visas to India, avoidance of further publication of their names due to web stalking, identity theft and outright harassment.
Arti Solanki, USA -- follower: 1995-2005
Hanora Brennan, Ireland -- follower: 15 years 1990-2005
Sebastian Engelbarts, Netherlands -- follower & member: 1990-2009
Adriana Suderset, Switzerland -- follower: 1981-1994
Pathma Saravanan, Australia -- follower: 1973-2007
Dolly Rattan, Trinidad -- follower: 1976-1998
Raj Kumar, India -- follower: 1982-1993
Alvaro Filippo Michelon, Italy -- follower: 1981-1990 (molested)
Chris Dokter, Netherlands -- follower: 1980-1990
Amy Dave, USA -- follower: in 2002
Dominic Bloomfield, United Kingdom -- follower very briefly in 2011
Nadeem K, Delhi -- former Sai student, now senior executive
Paramasivam Peetambaram, India - Position in S.S.Org: IT engineer.
Raj kumar, India -- involved for 8 years
Diren B. Hemah, Malaysia -- involved since childhood
Manav Sharma, India -- Involved until 2008
Sunder Murthi, Belgium -- Period as a follower: 12 years
Yashvardhan Naudiyal, India -- Follower: 1991 to1993
Niranjan Bidargaddi, Australia -- 1992-1998 Position in S.S.Org: Student
Ismael Rodriguez, Spain -- Follower: 1976-1986
Joanna Padgett, USA -- Follower: 1971-1983
Lia Meijer, Italy -- . Follower: 1989-2003
Prashant Jayaraman, USA -- Follower: 1990-2005
Mary Garden, Australia -- Follower 1973-1978 See 'Mind Control &Cults'
Martin Angel, Argentina -- Follower since 10/10/198
Maria Bossi, Switzerland -- Follower: 20 years
Soni Sutton, USA -- Follower from: Birth to age 29 (1974 to 2003)
Esenam Agbotse, Ghana -- February 21. 2008. Follower: 1996 to 2002
Gordon Lord, Hong Kong -- involved 1991 - 2007, yet not a follower
Jyothi Kumar, India -- Student of the Institute from 1984 to 1991
Luis Gerardo Galvan Cortes, Mexico -- Follower: 17 years all my life
Danilo Pomicino, Italy -- Follower: 1992/2007
Massimo Falsetti, Italy -- Follower: 2000-2004
Claudia Pees, Germany -- Follower: approx. 15 years
Abdul-Maalik Tailor, UK -- Follower: 1984-1991 I grew up brainwashed
Wilfred Waters, Australia -- Follower: 1983-2001
Krishna Murthy, India --Follower: 1970 to 1993 Active Worker.
Kirtan Kumar, India -- 1960-2007 onwards. Student at Institute in Parthi.
Jai Kumar, India -- from 1975 Was a Student I want to expose him
Jai Ganesh, India -- followed some time, my family for very long time.
Stefan Bauer, Germany -- Follower: 1998 - 2006.
Dr. Rita Gregory, Malaysia -- Left SB 2007.
Ganapathi Das, Netherlands -- Follower: 1987-2004 Seva-Spiritual Coordinator
Linda Deakin, New Zealand -- Follower: from 1999 to 2001
Malgorzata Leonczuk, Poland -- Follower: 7 months
Alberto di Vicino, Italy -- July 20. 2006. Follower: 1 year
Panchito Mandefua, Andorra -- Follower thirty years
Ivel Danieri, Venezuela -- Follower: from 2005 to 2006
Vadim Koudreavtsev, Russia -- Follower: 2000-2005, active member
Satish K[protected] India -- Follower: 1990-2005
Rakesh Dookhit, Mauritius -- Follower: 1996-2001.
Siva Kandiah, Malaysia -- Follower: for a few years.
Ramesh SVR, USA -- 1992-2000 I am an ex school student who was molested
Julian O'Donnell, Australia -- Follower: 5 years
Soledad Cabrero, Spain -- Follower: 1991-1998
Mhairi Fox, United Kingdom -- Follower for some of past 23 years
Jacinta van IJperen, Netherlands -- Follower: 1987- 2005
Gianni Cecere, Italy -- Sathya Sai Organization Cook and organizer of catering
Ennio Calandra, Italy -- Follower: 2001-2004
Selma Tapia Pereira, Bolivia -- 1999 Follower: three years.
Hristo Todorov, Bulgaria -- Follower: 3 months
Gordana Jakob, Croatia -- Follower: 15 years
Prakash Sankarasubramanian, USA -- Follower: 1995 - 2005
June Ives, United Kingdom -- Follower: 20 years
Jeremy Carstairs, Germany -- Follower: 1994-2003 regional co-ordinator
Hilary Cawsey, United Kingdom -- Follower: 3 years leader Exeter Centre
Margaret Tottle-Smith, U. K. -- Follower: 43 years ex Convener Region 7 UK
Salim Delgado, Argentina -- student. I know the terrible reality behind this horrendous man
Giovanni Felice, Italy -- follower from 1984 up to 2004
Carlos Francisco Mejia Brizuela, El Salvador -- 5 years
Pacus Gagu, New Zealand -- Follower 1980 - 1993
Rafael Izturriaga, Venezuela -- Follower 5 years.
Ipsita Das, India -- November 30. 2004. Follower till recently.
Michel Koeman, Netherlands -- Follower:1987-2004 Seva Centrum Zaanstad
Alexander Keilonat, Germany -- . 1998-2000
Marcia Miller, USA -- Follower 1984-2000
Corrie Wiersma, Holland -- Follower 1991-2002
Badri Narayanan, India -- Follower from 1984 -2004
Reshma Karki, Nepal -- Follower 1990 -2004
Sylvain Beauchamp, Canada Follower 1992-2004
Svetlana Morozova, Russia Follower 1996-2002
Anurag S. Raj, USA Follower 1996-1999
Pierre Stahre, Sweden Follower 1990-2000
Marcello Sandri, Italy -- Follower 1990-2002
Anish Rathod, UK Follower 2000-2003
Barbara Sullivan, USA -- Follower from 1981
Prisha Pandey, Nepal -- Follower 1985 to 2003
Tony O'Clery, Canada -- Follower 1985-2000 Secretary Vancouver Centre
Alexis Hildebrandt, Germany -- Follower from birth 1987-2002
Tania Gordon, Australia -- Follower 1980-1 to 2000
Felix Maria Woschek, Portugal -- Follower 1984 - 1998
Mohammad Tofigh, Sweden -- Follower 15 years
Andres, Latin America -- Follower 1985-2000
Vejay, USA -- Follower 1983 - 1991
Ana maria Yazlle, Argentina -- . Follower: 1989-1999
Williams, w. . Follower: 1978-2003 Position in S.S.Org: sai student
Ms. Armande McKenna, Canada -- . Follower: 1986 - 2001
shivaprakash raju, USA -- Follower: 1990-1995.
Karen M. Krueger, USA -- Follower in the 1970's.
Anthony Alphonse, Trinidad and Tobago -- Follwer. Visited Sept to Dec 1975
Juan Pablo, Argentina -- Follower: 1990-2000
William Daniel Watson, New Zealand -- Follower: 1989-1995
Arlene Mazak, Ph.D., USA -- Follower: 1975-2000
Alfonso, Spain -- Follower: 1998-2002
Rangeeth. B.N, India -- Follower 3 years
Jagvir Bains, United Kingdom -- Follower 8 years.
R.S.Subaji, New Zealand -- Follower 1985-1999
K.Dayaharan, UK -- Follower 1975-1993
Klaas Knol, Netherlands -- Follower 1985-1999 S.S.Org: translator/corrector
Susana Contreras, Sweden -- Follower 15 years ex-Balvikas Teacher
Hans Ruijs, switzerland -- Follower 1993 - l999
Jaap Hutte, Netherlands -- Follower 1978 - 1999 S.S.Org: translator
Roberto Simeoni, Italy -- . Follower 1974-2001
Hari Dev Gautam, India -- was a devotee and became a victim very nearly.
Bonita Swordmaker, USA -- Follower 1987-2002 Wedgewood group Seattle,Wa.
Atul Menon, India -- follower: 1993-2006 position in Sai Org. - lawyer
Chander Thangavelu, India/Canada -- follower 1994-2000
Darandu Okemumuo, Nigeria, -- follower: 1989 - 1993
Musthafa Abdulla, Bahrain -- follower: 2009-2010
Lavanya Nal, India -- follower: 1996-2010
Sai Naveen, India/UK-- follower: 1997-2008
Gillian Hearn, Greece --follower 1997-2003
Lello, Italy -- Follower 1990-2003
Bhanu Chopra, India -- Follower 1981-1988 Student at Prashanthi
Mark Aguilera, france -- . three weeks at ashram in 1989 ex admirer
Harikrishnan P.S.. India -- follower: 1 year
Shobhna Kapoor, Canada -- Followed briefly, around 1981
Donald Wilson, USA -- Follower 1980-1999
Prem Latha, India-Bangalore -- Follower 8 years - now no more
Åsa Samsioe, Sweden -- Follower 5 years See her writings here
Paul Throne, USA -- Follower 1988-2000 - education coordinator
Anne Irene Larsen, Norway -- Follower from 1992 to 1998
Paola E. Mario, UK -- Follower 1987 -2002
Michael Goldberger, U.S.A. Follower 1992 to 1999
John Purnell, australia -- Follower 1987-1994 also sexually abused.
Sonia de Rojas, Spain -- Follower 1990-2001
Michelle E. Bruce, USA -- Follower early 1980s
María Tardío Cabrera, Spain -- 2001-2002 S.S.Org: Local coordinator
Awati Patel, UK -- Follower 1996 - 2000
Mauro Leal, Venezuela -- November 16. 2004. Follower 4 years
Sara Friedmann, France -- Follower 2003-4
Laim Ekaf, Denmark -- Follower: 1999-2001
Subramanyan Iyer, India -- Folloer 1981-2000
Jacques McGreg, United Kingdom -- Active worker SSO 1989 - 2003
Richard Veal, UK -- Follower 2 years
H. Devosey, USA -- Follower resigned member - Austin center 2004.
John v.d. Jagt, Netherlands -- Follower 1993-2003
Petra van der Jagt, Netherlands -- Follower 1993-2003
Duarf Ton, USA -- Follower 1988-1989
Victor Brooks, USA -- Follower 1980 to 1998
Cees de Volder, Netherlands -- Follower 1998 - 2004
Z. Parkinson, UK -- Follower 1992-2000 S.S.Org. convenor 1997-98
Barbara Dent, U.S.A. --Follower 1987-2004
Carolyn Wise, USA -- Follower 1998-2004
K.Kalaivani Shanmugapriya, India --Follower Feb 2004 -June 2004
Darren Fidels, USA -- Follower 1974-2003
Rajaneethan Raju, U.K. -- Follower 1990 to 2004
Sarath Gunatunga, New Zealand -- Follower: 1992 to 2004.
Kevin D.H., USA -- Follower: 1993 to 2002
V Renganathan, Malaysia -- Follower 2004 - 2005
Diana Ortega Villaseñor, Mexico -- Follower 1983-2000
Angelica Bos, Netherlands -- Follower 1993 till 1995
Natalia Lomeli Quintanilla, México -- Follower 1991-2000
Sanjay Dadlani, United Kingdom -- Follower 1990-2001.
Krishna M, India -- Follower: 2 years
Helen Trbuhovich, Australia -- Follower 1998-2004
Lourdes Medina, USA -- . Follower 1990-1999
Peter Weber, Germany -- Follower 1996 - 1999
Terry Penney, UK -- . Follower: 1998-2000
Guillermo Santos Valle, Mexico -- . Follower 1982-2000
Gabriela Quintanilla Treviño, Mexico, -- Active in S.S.Org. 1991-2000
Aravind Ramasamy, USA -- Follower 1989 to 1999
Suganya Sangarapillai, New Zealand -- Follower 1985-1994
Sekharji [Chandrasekhar Balasubramanian], USA -- 1946 - 2000
Oscar Arturo Lope de Vega Betancourth, México -- 1998-2002
Raúl Medina, México -- Followeer 1982 - 2000
Adeel Amin, Canada -- Follower 1990 to 2000 Bal Vikas student
Kawata Kazushito, japan -- Follower 4 years
Prem Kumar, Malaysia -- 1975-2004
Alfonso Peniche Ballesteros, Mexico -- Follower l989 --- 2001
Girasol Jiminez Ortega, Mexico -- Follower 1985-2000
Miguel Pineda Huerta, México -- 6 months 2000
Vitor André, Brazil -- Follower 1 year
Betty Gump, USA -- Follower 1989-2000
Marcia Liapes, USA -- Follower 1988 until 2000
Francisco Neves, Venezuela -- Follower from 1990 until 2001
Hans de Kraker, Australia -- Follower: 1989 - 1997
Eddie from Toronto, Canada -- Follower: 1993-1999
Taniya Weerasuriya Purcell, USA -- Follower: 1994-1998
Ma. Elena González Herrera, México -- Follower: 1974-2001
Manuel Antonio Piñero Martinez, Venezuela -- Follower: 1997 to 1999 Nirmal, Canada -- Follower: 1976-2000
Robert Michaelson, Australia -- Follower: 1979
David J. LaFratta, USA -- 25 years of deep devotion
Abu, Canada -- an ex-follower
Karen Harp, USA -- Follower 1993-1995
María G. García., México -- Follower: April 1997 to August 2001
Rocio Santos, Mexico -- Follower: 1990-2000
Edwin R (surname withheld)The Netherlands -- . Follower - 1996-1999
Wilhelm Kaiser, Germany -- Follower: 1987-2001
Antony v mathai, USA -- Follower 1997-2001
Susan Angel, Canada -- Follower 1975-2001 - ex-bal vikas teacher
Lilian Pike, USA -- Follower 1980 - 1998
Sonia Mendoza de Rojas, Spain -- Follower: 1990-2000
Seth Woolard, USA -- . 1991-2000
Eleanore Duyndam, USA -- Follower: 21 years
Fred van Gunst, The Netherlands -- Follower: 1997-1999
Padma Surya, India -- . Follower: 1986-2003
Sanjay Sola, United States -- Follower: 1 year
Richard H. Allan, USA -- Follower: Fall 1977 - Dec. 1999
Lars Winther, Mexico. follower 1988 - 2001
Virginia Villalon, Spain -- Follower: 1985-1997 secretary coordinating
Miguel Velazquez, Venezuela -- Follower: 1988 until 2001
Jasmin, Montenegro/Yugoslavia -- Follower: 2003-2004 Kotor-group
Rok Koritnik, Slovenia --. Follower: august 2002 to may 2003
Ann McBride, USA -- Follower: 1999-2001
Leen Auperle, Holland -- Follower: 1992-2003
Salvatore Iozzia, italy -- Follower: 6/1999 -10/2002
Nieves Caceres, U.S.A Follower: 1991/1997
Antonia Pérez Esquivel, Colombia -- Follower 1993-1997
Lee Yue Heng, Singapore -- Follower 1997-2001
Greg Gerson, U.S.A -- Follower: 1993-?
Raja, USA -- Follower: 1991-1995
Juan Manuel Sanchez, Spain -- Follower: 5 years.
Mercedes Pretto, Argentina -- . 1980-1995
Preeti Vijay, U.S.A. -- Follower 1990-2001
Elsa Malka, Canada -- Follower 1998-2000
Mariana Lomelí Quintanilla, México -- Follower 1989-2000
Rangeeth, India -- Follower from 3 years
Jose Santiago, Venezuela -- Follower 3 years
Atul Menon, India -- follower: 1993-2006 position in Sai Org. - lawyer
Chander Thangavelu, India/Canada -- follower 1994-2000
Darandu Okemumuo, Nigeria, -- follower: 1989 - 1993
Musthafa Abdulla, Bahrain -- follower: 2009-2010
Lavanya Nal, India -- follower: 1996-2010
Sai Naveen, India/UK-- follower: 1997-2008
Gillian Hearn, Greece --follower 1997-2003
Lello, Italy -- Follower 1990-2003
Bhanu Chopra, India -- Follower 1981-1988 Student at Prashanthi
Mark Aguilera, france -- . three weeks at ashram in 1989 ex admirer
Harikrishnan P.S.. India -- follower: 1 year
Shobhna Kapoor, Canada -- Followed briefly, around 1981
Donald Wilson, USA -- Follower 1980-1999
Prem Latha, India-Bangalore -- Follower 8 years - now no more
Åsa Samsioe, Sweden -- Follower 5 years See her writings here
Paul Throne, USA -- Follower 1988-2000 - education coordinator
Anne Irene Larsen, Norway -- Follower from 1992 to 1998
Paola E. Mario, UK -- Follower 1987 -2002
Michael Goldberger, U.S.A. Follower 1992 to 1999
John Purnell, australia -- Follower 1987-1994 also sexually abused.
Sonia de Rojas, Spain -- Follower 1990-2001
Michelle E. Bruce, USA -- Follower early 1980s
María Tardío Cabrera, Spain -- 2001-2002 S.S.Org: Local coordinator
Awati Patel, UK -- Follower 1996 - 2000
Mauro Leal, Venezuela -- November 16. 2004. Follower 4 years
Sara Friedmann, France -- Follower 2003-4
Laim Ekaf, Denmark -- Follower: 1999-2001
Subramanyan Iyer, India -- Folloer 1981-2000
Jacques McGreg, United Kingdom -- Active worker SSO 1989 - 2003
Richard Veal, UK -- Follower 2 years
H. Devosey, USA -- Follower resigned member - Austin center 2004.
John v.d. Jagt, Netherlands -- Follower 1993-2003
Petra van der Jagt, Netherlands -- Follower 1993-2003
Duarf Ton, USA -- Follower 1988-1989
Victor Brooks, USA -- Follower 1980 to 1998
Cees de Volder, Netherlands -- Follower 1998 - 2004
Z. Parkinson, UK -- Follower 1992-2000 S.S.Org. convenor 1997-98
Barbara Dent, U.S.A. --Follower 1987-2004
Carolyn Wise, USA -- Follower 1998-2004
K.Kalaivani Shanmugapriya, India --Follower Feb 2004 -June 2004
Darren Fidels, USA -- Follower 1974-2003
Rajaneethan Raju, U.K. -- Follower 1990 to 2004
Sarath Gunatunga, New Zealand -- Follower: 1992 to 2004.
Kevin D.H., USA -- Follower: 1993 to 2002
V Renganathan, Malaysia -- Follower 2004 - 2005
Diana Ortega Villaseñor, Mexico -- Follower 1983-2000
Angelica Bos, Netherlands -- Follower 1993 till 1995
Natalia Lomeli Quintanilla, México -- Follower 1991-2000
Sanjay Dadlani, United Kingdom -- Follower 1990-2001.
Krishna M, India -- Follower: 2 years
Helen Trbuhovich, Australia -- Follower 1998-2004
Lourdes Medina, USA -- . Follower 1990-1999
Peter Weber, Germany -- Follower 1996 - 1999
Terry Penney, UK -- . Follower: 1998-2000
Guillermo Santos Valle, Mexico -- . Follower 1982-2000
Gabriela Quintanilla Treviño, Mexico, -- Active in S.S.Org. 1991-2000
Aravind Ramasamy, USA -- Follower 1989 to 1999
Suganya Sangarapillai, New Zealand -- Follower 1985-1994
Sekharji [Chandrasekhar Balasubramanian], USA -- 1946 - 2000
Oscar Arturo Lope de Vega Betancourth, México -- 1998-2002
Raúl Medina, México -- Followeer 1982 - 2000
Adeel Amin, Canada -- Follower 1990 to 2000 Bal Vikas student
Kawata Kazushito, japan -- Follower 4 years
Prem Kumar, Malaysia -- 1975-2004
Alfonso Peniche Ballesteros, Mexico -- Follower l989 --- 2001
Girasol Jiminez Ortega, Mexico -- Follower 1985-2000
Miguel Pineda Huerta, México -- 6 months 2000
Vitor André, Brazil -- Follower 1 year
Betty Gump, USA -- Follower 1989-2000
Marcia Liapes, USA -- Follower 1988 until 2000
Francisco Neves, Venezuela -- Follower from 1990 until 2001
Hans de Kraker, Australia -- Follower: 1989 - 1997
Eddie from Toronto, Canada -- Follower: 1993-1999
Taniya Weerasuriya Purcell, USA -- Follower: 1994-1998
Ma. Elena González Herrera, México -- Follower: 1974-2001
Manuel Antonio Piñero Martinez, Venezuela -- Follower: 1997 to 1999 Nirmal, Canada -- Follower: 1976-2000
Robert Michaelson, Australia -- Follower: 1979
David J. LaFratta, USA -- 25 years of deep devotion
Abu, Canada -- an ex-follower
Karen Harp, USA -- Follower 1993-1995
María G. García., México -- Follower: April 1997 to August 2001
Rocio Santos, Mexico -- Follower: 1990-2000
Edwin R (surname withheld)The Netherlands -- . Follower - 1996-1999
Wilhelm Kaiser, Germany -- Follower: 1987-2001
Antony v mathai, USA -- Follower 1997-2001
Susan Angel, Canada -- Follower 1975-2001 - ex-bal vikas teacher
Lilian Pike, USA -- Follower 1980 - 1998
Sonia Mendoza de Rojas, Spain -- Follower: 1990-2000
Seth Woolard, USA -- . 1991-2000
Eleanore Duyndam, USA -- Follower: 21 years
Fred van Gunst, The Netherlands -- Follower: 1997-1999
Padma Surya, India -- . Follower: 1986-2003
Sanjay Sola, United States -- Follower: 1 year
Richard H. Allan, USA -- Follower: Fall 1977 - Dec. 1999
Lars Winther, Mexico. follower 1988 - 2001
Virginia Villalon, Spain -- Follower: 1985-1997 secretary coordinating
Miguel Velazquez, Venezuela -- Follower: 1988 until 2001
Jasmin, Montenegro/Yugoslavia -- Follower: 2003-2004 Kotor-group
Rok Koritnik, Slovenia --. Follower: august 2002 to may 2003
Ann McBride, USA -- Follower: 1999-2001
Leen Auperle, Holland -- Follower: 1992-2003
Salvatore Iozzia, italy -- Follower: 6/1999 -10/2002
Nieves Caceres, U.S.A Follower: 1991/1997
Antonia Pérez Esquivel, Colombia -- Follower 1993-1997
Lee Yue Heng, Singapore -- Follower 1997-2001
Greg Gerson, U.S.A -- Follower: 1993-?
Raja, USA -- Follower: 1991-1995
Juan Manuel Sanchez, Spain -- Follower: 5 years.
Mercedes Pretto, Argentina -- . 1980-1995
Preeti Vijay, U.S.A. -- Follower 1990-2001
Elsa Malka, Canada -- Follower 1998-2000
Mariana Lomelí Quintanilla, México -- Follower 1989-2000
Rangeeth, India -- Follower from 3 years
Jose Santiago, Venezuela -- Follower 3 years

Signers of the petition who were - or knew someone who was - sexually abused by Sathya Sai Baba

Paul Throne, USA — Follower 1988-2000 S.S.Org: Center education coordinator: Have been to see SB 4 times, 1990, 1994, 1995-96 and 1999. Despite many positive experiences, I believe too many credible accounts of abuse now exist to pretend it isn’t real, including a young male friend of mine who told me SB fondled him. More frightening to me than the megalomaniac SB is his organization and its leaders. When the leaders refuse to hear these concerns or allow discussion of these events, it has become a complete mind-control cult.

John Purnell, Australia — Follower 1987-1994 also sexually abused by that fraud. he must be exposed

Michael Smith, USA — . I am a sexual abuse victim advocate: friends of mine have been sexually abused by Baba

Pierre Stahre — Sweden. Follower: 1990-2000  – only  know swedish male friends that was severely molested sexually by Sai Baba for many years.

David Juliano — USA . abused by Sai Baba in 1974

Marcus Martenson, — Sweden . A guy I know was sexual abused by Sai Baba

Juan de Dios Suarez — Venezuela Follower 6 years I know of two Venezuelans who were sexually abused by the False Teacher
[Conozco de dos Venezolanos que fueron abusados Sexualmente por el Falso Maestro]

Kyra Kitts — USA “I found out directly a year or so later from a friend in my local center that he’d been sexually molested by SB in his teens several times” (

Rosalia Malagelada de Neves — Venezuela. Follower: 1988 until 2001 Position in S.S.Org: Venezuela Comite I knew the two cases very close of abuse

Sandeep Shanbhag — India January 13. 2008. I have heard from my OWN friend that he was studying in Whitefield and his friend was molested by Sai Baba. it is high time that is man gets investigated and arrested…. [ADMIN NOTE: This student's details, kept confidential, have been verified]

Anonymous ex-Student — India [ADMIN NOTE: This student's details, kept confidential, have been verified] January 1. 2008. Follower: birth-not sure when the deception hit me. I am an ex-student who knows that what is alleged is true. From friends who were abused, and from being part of the culture which has denial written all over it. I personally had a “touch and feel” experience by Sai Baba, who massaged my genital area through my clothes with his legs for 10 minutes in a bhajan session in everyone’s presence – I understood later I was being “trialled”. Luckily, I did not “rise” to the occasion, and was deemed “unsuitable”. I chose to be anonymous because I have good friends who I would lose – I am sorry but I am being selfish – for me, the friends matter more than exposing Sai Baba. I will work very hard to ensure no one else is harmed, but in my own quiet way.

Ramesh — USA Student 1992-2000  I am an ex school student who was ‘Molested’ Please bring this mad man to justice!!!! [ADMIN NOTE: This Indian student's details, kept confidential, have been verified]

Salim Delgado — Argentina February 1. 2005. student. He tried to murder my childhood friend. I know the terrible reality behind this horrendous man who has blinded many people thought out the world. I appreciate your action for crying out the truth. Please go ahead, you don’t know how much good you make!!!

Jenni Oliver — Australia I have known members who became seriously disturbed after their involvement

Shyam Manisastry –USA Our family personally know one Indian boy who was sexually by this “Sathya Sai baba” without satyam and that boy’s own parents did not believe him. He ended up confiding the truth to his friend. Pedophiles like baba should be banned and they should face similar legal charges like anyone.

Subramanian Ganesan — USA August 4. 2004.

Hari Dev Gautam — India . Ex Sai Baba.  I was Sai Baba Religious Devotee and became a victim very nearly. But I figure out before happening to me.

Alexis Hildebrandt — Germany Follower from birth 1987-2002. I lived in India for nine years and heard many personal accounts- there is no doubt about the truth of the allegations.

Susan Greeley — USA. Never a follower: As a therapist that has spent 15 years treating sexual abuse victims, I am so shocked that my mother is a devotee of this man. This is the first I’ve heard about these issues that have been around for decades. My mother, a woman in her early 60s, went to see Sai Baba about 7 years ago. She came back and set up shrines in her home , but she wouldn’t discuss her trip in any detail. She’s been involved with a group in Atlanta, Georgia. Her personality has really changed in the past 7 years. She appears more paranoid and depressed.

Mhairi Fox — United Kingdom I’ve been aware of Sai Baba for the last twenty-three years, and was a follower for some of that time. Back in 2000 I spent three months at the ashram. I had two group interviews but never felt anything truly spiritual in Sai Baba’s presence, only unease. Now I know why. I met many good and true spiritual seekers during my time in India, they were inspiring company and I am worried and furious for them. I lost my closest friend over this whole thing, she was the one who first alerted me to the abuse, cover-ups and dirty tricks perpetrated by Sai Baba and some of his followers. Since then I have continued to read about what’s happening, and I’ve continued to be shocked, saddened and angered. Sai Baba is a sick and dangerous man who should be brought to justice now and locked up before he can do any more damage. The lesson I’ve learned from this whole mess — I have no need of self proclaimed avatars and gurus, God is within. God is everything.

See also Barry Pittard on the Petition For Official Investigation Into Sathya Sai Baba Cult


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