Sathya Sai Baba Sex Abuse - full coverage

At least 30 young men openly testified in public to one or another form of sexual abuse by Sathya Sai Baba, from handling of genitals to masturbation and oral sex. Numerous others who feared for their own safety contacted trusted dissidents in private with their accounts.
Further allegations were made on the Sai Petition, as can be seen here
In addition - numerous alleging sex-abused persons whose names are not given here for obvious reasons, including harassment of self and family members, the threat of possible murder (as occurred in 1993 at Prashanthi Nilayam) :-

30) Several Malaysian students (unidentified, who informed the Malaysian Organization around 1980 (confirmed to Priddy by former Sai Baba activist there, Hariram Jayaram - see letter and read his fuller account here.
31) Two younger brothers of a NRI entrepreneur (identity known but kept secret)  in Australia who he immediately withdrew from the Sai College at PN when they told him (he has been in close contact with the exposé)
32) Former student whose writings are posted here under the pseudonym Raman Sharma and especially here
33) gsmpasad  himself abused and knew a long list of students who were also 'form boys' for Sai Baba
34) Basava Premanand represented abused students at the Sai Colleges (see Sai Baba and his Students)
35) Testimony from a Sai Baba sexually-abused male and more from Huffington Post
36) Sex wanted by Sai Baba claim and thugs sent after refusal - on Express Buzz (India) by Linda Burton
37) Report by Barry Pittard on Polish man molested by Sai Baba and a Malaysian man oiled genitally

Testimony from persons who contacted the Sai Petition:-
38)  Dilip Narain, Australia signed the petition on July 8. 2011.Period as a follower: 1979-1982 Position in S.S.Org: student Puttaparti college. "I attended his college with my 2 brothers and was abused sexually. My father handed over thousands of dollars in cash. How could his abuse of innocent children be covered up for so long?"
39) Alvaro Filippo Michelon, Italy signed the petition on April 14. 2011. Period as a follower: 1981 - 1990 "I was first molested by Sai Baba 81. But I thought it was a privilege. I'm so sorry i have lost 10 years of my life..."
40)  Veronica Isacsson, Sweden signed the petition.  Period as a follower: 94-03  "friends of me has been sexually abused by Baba"
41) Rosalia Malagelada de Neves, Venezuela signed the petition.  Period as a follower: 1988 until 2001 Position in S.S.Org: Venezuela Comite "I knew the two cases very close of abuse"
42) Paul Throne, USA signed the petition.  Period as a follower: 1988-2000 Position in S.S.Org: Center education coordinator.  "Have been to see SB 4 times, 1990, 1994, 1995-96 and 1999. Despite many positive experiences, I believe too many credible accounts of abuse now exist to pretend it isn't real, including a young male friend of mine who told me SB fondled him. More frightening to me than the megalomaniac SB is his organization and its leaders. When the leaders refuse to hear these concerns or allow discussion of these events, it has become a complete mind-control cult."
43)  David Juliano, USA signed the petition.  "abused by Sai Baba in 1974"
44)  Michael Smith, USA signed the petition.  "I am a sexual abuse victim advocate who is concerned for all victims in the U.S."
45) Anonymous exStudent, India, signed the petition on January 1. 2008. Period as a follower: birth
"not sure when the deception hit me. I am an ex-student who knows that what is alleged is true. From friends who were abused, and from being part of the culture which has denial written all over it. I personally had a "touch and feel" experience by Sai Baba, who massaged my genital area through my clothes with his legs for 10 minutes in a bhajan session in everyone's presence - I understood later I was being "trialled". Luckily, I did not "rise" to the occassion, and was deemed "unsuitable". I chose to be anonymous because I have good friends who I would lose - I am sorry but I am being selfish - for me, the friends matter more than exposing Sai Baba. I will work very hard to ensure no one else is harmed, but in my own quiet way. [ADMIN NOTE: This student's details, kept confidential, have been verified]

Oiling of the genital area by Sathya Sai Baba has also been reported by persons involved:-

1) Jens Sethi, Germany
2) Al Rahm (father of Alaya - testified on BBC documentary)

3) Greg Gerson USA
4) Paul William Roberts (author -firstly having stated he was 'oiled on the chest')
5) Josh Kintz USA - son of Marie and Bruce Kintz (genitally oiled) plus two other friends of Sathya Purcell (unidentified) reported by Sharon Purcell
6) Troels Meyer - younger son of deceased Central Coordinator Thorbjørn & Marianne Meyer (EHV - Europe) (reported by his brother, Thomas Meyer)
7) Student aged 17, under pseudonym 'ihsb1971'
8) A Sai student posted (1/10/01) on Sathya Sai Baba Discussion Club under "A Letter I Wrote to Sai Critic" the following "... beside being "oiled" under the pretense of curing a different problem with a totally different part of my anatomy, I was saved from further sexploitation my en masse defections from the closet relatives who were Baba's choice inner circle for decades who were all victims of his sodomite behaviour. Needless to say, we were villified as usual and were labelled as opportunists. own father did not believe what happened to me when it happened. Regards, Taken for a ride for 20 years and called the "chaff""

Other reports of improper (sexual) behaviour by Sathya Sai Baba are many - here are a few
1) Edvin R**r*ngs, the Netherlands
2) Anonymous Danish youth
3) 'Shamaness' report on 1999 abuse of local boy
4) Gerald Joe Moreno, USA

View the list of prominent signers of the Sai Petition
View text of original public petition


  1. it really is shocking unbelievable, but I may accept that a man claiming he is a god, may be psychopatic and sexual offender .


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